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Juan Pedro Doiny Cabré

Juan Pedro is concluding his last year of bachelor’s degree in geological sciences at Departamento de Geologia – UNS. At this time, he had the opportunity to be part of numerous field trips, highlighting

. ‘Statigraphy analysis of the sedimentary units at Picún Leufú, Neuquén Basin’, under the guidance of PhD Carlos Zavala,

. ‘Geological mapping at Valle Grande and Cordón de Bonilla (Mendoza province), under the guidance of PhD Daniel Gregori,

. Basin analysis and evolution of Neuquen Basin, under the guidance of PhD Nora Cesaretti supervision.

. Ephitermal veins mapping at Project Casposo, San Juan province, under the guidance of PhD Leonardo Strazzere.



Juan Manuel Lopez Zarzoso

Juan Manuel is currently pursuing his last year of bachelor’s degree in geological sciences at Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina. At the same time, Juan is performing his English studies.

He is actively involved in Pillahuinco Project Group, carrying out important tasks like logistics, relocation and core preparation for research.





Facundo Figueroa

Facundo is actually fulfilling his Geological Sciences  degree at Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina.  Facundo accomplished several field trips in Argentina, focusing on mining activity, and his final field practice was located at Neuquén Basin, Argentina. Actually, he is starting his final degree thesis on Precambrian ? ultrabasic bodies of .. Fm? In Mendoza province.Actually fulfilling his Geological Sciences degree at Departamento de Geologia – UNS.  Facundo accomplished several field trips in Argentina, focusing on mining activity, and his final field practice was located at Neuquen Basin, Argentina. Actually, he is starting his final degree thesis on ultrabasic bodies of Mendoza province.




Leandro Correa

Leandro is finishing his degree in Geological Sciences at Universidad Nacional del Sur, , Bahía Blanca, Argentina. In December 2016, Leandrohas participated in a fieldtrip in Neuquén Basin giving support to German Otharán PhD research on Vaca Muerta Fm (Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous).

At present, Leandro is performing a scholarship  in GCS Argentina   SRL, assisting in Neuquén Basin stratigraphic analysis. He is also involved in the logistics of Pillahuincó Project cores anaylisis.




Ramiro San José

Ramiro is about to finish his degree in Geological Sciences at Universidad Nacional del Sur,, Bahía Blanca, Argentina. In 2016, Ramiro travelled to Neuquén Basin with Germán Otharán, who is developing his PhD work on sedimentological aspects of Vaca Muerta Formation. Together with German, he surveyed two stratigraphic sections of Late Jurassic deposits of Vaca Muerta – Quintuco formations at Picún Leufú and Estancia María Juana. Some of these results were recently published in the XX Congreso Geológico Argentino in Tucumán, Argentina.

Finally, during the current year Ramiro is helping in the Pillahuincó Project, giving support in the description and analysis of 800 metres core deposits corresponding to Tunas Fm (Permian ?).





Santiago Abranchuk

Santiago is finishing his Geological Sciences degree at Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina. .  Since the beginning of Pillahuincó Project, Santiago isgiving support on thelogistics and relocation of Tunas Fm cores for description. In December 2016, Santiago has participated on a detailed stratigraphic survey ofVaca Muerta Formation deposits in the southern Neuquén Basin, working together  with Germán Otharán on his PhD fieldwork.

Actually, Santiago is a student assistant on General Geology (subject) at Universidad Nacional del Sur. Also, he is collaborating in research activities in the paleontological site of Pehuen-Có (Buenos Aires province, Argentina).





Matías Rodriguez

Actually concluding his Geological Sciences degree at Departamento de Geologia – UNS.  During 2017, Matías actively participates working on logistics and relocation of Fm Tunas cores for further description at Pillahuincó Project.

Previously, he participates on detailed surveyed on Vaca Muerta Formation in Neuquen Basin, working with Germán Otharán developing his PhD and under PhD Carlos Zavala supervision.

He also collaborates actively in SEG-Sudent Chapter UNS in several mining districts of south Patagonia.




Juan Martín Fernández

Actually finishing the last year of Geological Sciences degree at Departamento de Geología – UNS.

Juan has participated in several fieldtrips to different localities of Argentina:

. Neuquen Basin, Picún Leufu stream, with PhD Carlos Zavala;

. Geological mapping of Valle Grande y Cordón de Bonilla, Mendoza province, under PhD Daniel Gregori supervision;

. Neuquen Basin analysis and potential hydrocarbon systems, addressed by PhD Nora Cesaretti;

. Mina Casposo mapping, San Juan province, dictated by PhD Leonardo Strazzere.




Pablo Castro Rubiño

Actually concluding his Geological Sciences degree at Departamento de Geologia – UNS.  Pablo participates on Vaca Muerta Formation survey in Neuquen Basin, assisting Germán Otharán in his PhD work and under PhD Carlos Zavala supervision.

On 2017, Pablo took a short course on ‘geological well control and cutting sample description’ dicated by geologist Juan Vittone and geologist Marcelo Cerquetti at UNS, bahía Blanca.




Patricio Pagano

Advanced student in Geological Sciences degree at Departamento de Geología-UNS, Bahía Blanca. Actually developing a research scholarship direct by PhD Gabriela Ferracutti ‘Petrology and geochemistry of dioritic dykes associated with Las Higueras mafic-ultramaffic complex, San Luis province.

During his degree career, Patricio participated in several fieldtrips focusing on regional mapping, mining and petroleum topics in Mendoza, Neuquen and San Luis provinces.




Daniela Emilia Cornejo

At the moment finishing Geological Sciences degree at departamento de Geología – UNS, Bahía Blanca City, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina Republic.

Currently, developing a research scholarship focused on hydrocarbons expulsion and primary migration in oil/gas prone Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquén basin, Argentina. This research is granted by CIN (Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional), directed by Dra. Natalia Fortunatti and Co-directed by Dra. Nora Cesaretti (Departamento de Geología – UNS).

Daniela has field expertise, through geological work in several places like Mendoza, Neuquen and San Luis provinces.





Giselle Choque

At the moment finishing Geological Sciences degree at departamento de Geología – UNS, Bahía Blanca City, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina Republic. Giselle is currently working in a research scholarship finaced by CIC (Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas-Scientific Research Commission, Buenos Aires province) directed by PhD Natalia Fortunatti and Co-directed by PhD Nora Cesaretti (Departamento de Geología – UNS). The focus of her research is mechanical stratigraphy and its applicaction to unconventional reservoirs (CBD Coal Bed Methane).




Pablo Simoncini

Pablo is taking his fourth year of bachelor’s degree in Geological Sciences at Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina. He started in2012 and at the present he has already achieved53% of his courses , with an average of 6.32/10. As an extracurricular activity he participates in Pillahuinco Project collaborating in logistics and relocation of Tunas Fm cores. In 2016 Pablo was elected as Student Manager at Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS). During the last two years, Pablo has also been part of  different governmental statements at Universidad Nacional del Sur.




 Juan Pablo Capomassi

Juan gnacio is currently performing his fourth year of  geological sciences degree at Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina. Involving curricular activities Juan has travelled to Picún Leufú area in the Neuquén Basin for a stratigraphic and paleontological analysis of a 2000 m thick Jurassic – Cretaceous sedimentary succession under the supervision of PhD Carlos Zavala and PhD Marcelo Martinez.

At present, Juan isalso participating in the Pillahuinco Project as collaborator for logistics and relocation of Tunas Fm cores.





Lucas Fuentes

Lucas is currently performing his last courses of Geological Sciences degree at Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina.

Fieldwork constitutes a topic of great interest for Lucas. Last year he participated on several fieldtrips to Neuquén Basin, being part of different research groups, including the research team of the PhD fellow German Otharan in Quebrada del Sapo and Estancia Maria Juana sections) and regional geological surveys of Pilmatué Member, Agrio Fm  for Neuquén Province

Lucas is part of the student team that gives support to the Pillahuinco Project.




Gonzalo Silva

Gonzalo is fulfilling lasts years of Geological Sciences degree at Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina.. He achieved field experience during Neuquén Basin field trip under the supervision of PhDCarlos Zavala.

At present, Gonzalo ispart of the student group of the Pillahuinco Project, giving support on important activities such as relocation of Tunas Fm drill cores and its arrangement for further studies.





© 2017 AAPG UNS.


Universidad Nacional del Sur

Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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